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The Mission and Vision of San Diego HR Forum

The Mission of SDHR Forum is to develop business leaders through strategic and innovative practices.

Our Vision, a passionate and empowered HR community that enables HR professionals to make a critical strategic difference in the lives of people and business.

What we provide

What We Provide is the highest quality programs; a safe and collegial venue where HR leaders can network, learn and collaborate; and a forum focused on skills, experiences, and relationships.

Our Challenge

Our Challenge is to see individual member ROI fueling organic growth and renewal; Delivering programs that confront ever-shifting workplace conditions; and Differentiate ourselves as the premier support resource for HR leaders in San Diego.

Our Commitment

Our Commitment is to ensure the economic viability and sustainability of the local organization by keeping our volunteer resources and revenues here in San Diego; Maximizing the value, strength and identity of the community we've been building for years; and Transforming ourselves to the next level of fuction and impact by clarifying and embracing our own local mission and vision.

The Mission of SDHR Forum is to develop business leaders through strategic and innovative practices.

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Thank you for your sponsorship and support! 




Monthly Meeting Location
Torrey View
11220 El Camino Real
San Diego, CA 92121
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