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Unleash the power of dialogue and discovery at the Inaugural SDHR
Forum Spring Conference where innovation takes center stage through
concise presentations, dynamic Q&A sessions, and engaging round table discussions. Join us for a transformative experience exploring the latest trends including:
The Role of AI in HR
Unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize talent
management and streamline HR processes
HR in the Boardroom
Delve into discussions on the crucial role of HR in the boardroom,
gaining insights into how strategic HR decisions shape organizational
Path to CHRO
Embark on the path to Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) as we
navigate through career trajectories and leadership strategies
This conference is not just about HR; it's about redefining the way organizations thrive.
Our Panelists:
Path to CHRO
Natasha Bowman, Arcturus Therapeutics, Facilitator
David Blake, Building Forward Now
Joanne Woolfall
Jack Farnan, HME
Julie Cooke, Neurocrine Biosciences
AI in HR
Jon Wolheim, Games for Love - Facilitator
Kelli Dragovich,
Larry McAlister, The Corporate Humanist Consultancy
Rocky Ozaki, the NoW of Work
Board Readiness
Rocky Ozaki, the NoW of Work - Facilitator
Kristin Martin, Poseida Therapeutics
Charmi Turner, Rain Oncology
Michael Kadel, OneAccord
Meet our Panel of Speakers:

A Huge Thank You to our Annual Sponsors!